by Lacey Russo | Nov 13, 2020 | Babies, Bed Times, Routines, Schedules, Sleep Benefits, Toddlers
Did you know? Babies need so much more sleep than adults do, and should be going to bed much earlier than we do. I saw this article from earlier this year, and thought I share it because it follows a lot of my practices with families I work with. Sleep has so many...
by Lacey Russo | Sep 1, 2020 | Bed Times, Routines, Toddlers
Meeting the sleep needs of our children is so challenging these days. What I can tell you is the same thing I tell the families I work with is: we can only do our best. The most accurate way to know if a child’s bedtime works for them is the ease to which they go...
by Lacey Russo | Jan 3, 2016 | Bed Times, Routines
Whether you travelled this winter break, had family come stay or just let the rules slip a little, the Holiday Sleep Hangover is real! Breaking the structure of the routine feels SO GOOD, until it’s over. Once you’re back to reality, you may find getting your...